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A European blue card is a work and residence permit for highly skilled employees (expats) with a nationality of a country outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland.

With a European blue card, an employee without a work permit (TWV) may work for an employer who has applied for the residence permit. 

A European blue card is applied for at the same time as an authorization for temporary residence (MVV).

An MVV visa is required to travel to the Netherlands.

The validity of a European blue card is a maximum of 4 years, the residence permit is valid for 3 months longer than the employment contract.  

As an employee with a European Blue Card, you may also work as an entrepreneur in addition to your job with your employer, but you must always continue to comply with the requirements

the conditions of a European blue card.

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We are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are available every day for all your questionsAvailable from 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM during our telephone consultation hours on telephone number 070 - 800 21111. Contact us for more information. We are happy to help you!

Full support during your procedure 


Immigration Services supports you with the complete process of applying for awork and residence permit  until your arrival in the Netherlands. Our team of specialists is always fully informed of the latest laws and regulations, conditions and required documents regarding your stay in the Netherlands. By coordinating and facilitating the entire process, you can be assured of a smooth process.



Overview and insight into the required paperwork


We will guide you through all the necessary paperwork for the application, amendment and issuance of yourwork and residence permit. We take care of requesting, collecting, completing, checking, legalizing and submitting the correct forms   and (foreign) documents. We can also assist you with translating your foreign documents.


Direct communication with the authorities involved

All communication and correspondence with parties involved such as the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND)         and embassy, we will handle this directly for you. This is how we submit your application for awork and residence permit. We also take care of the delivery of yourwork and residence permit at the Immigration and Naturalization Service.


Immigration Services takes a proactive role and maintains periodic contact with the authorities involved regarding the decision period and decision-making regarding your visa application.  

One point of contact for (the status of) your application

For all questions regarding (the status of) your application and residence, you can contact Immigration Services directly.         We closely monitor the status of your application and maintain direct contact with the Dutch embassy. Naturally, we will inform you about the progress and in case of important changes in the status of your application. 

EU blue card conditions


✓        You have a valid travel document, for example a passport. The travel document must be submitted after the end of the

            visa period is still valid for 3 months. It may also not be older than 10 years.

✓        The employee has a contract for highly qualified work in the Netherlands. Highly qualified

           work is work that requires high education.The employee's salary is high enough. 

           Salary criterion European blue card.

✓        The employee's employment contract is valid for at least 12 months.

✓        DThe employee has a higher education diploma. This training lasted

            minimum 3 years. The diploma must be required for and in line with the profession or the person concerned

            sector to which the application relates. 

✓        Does the employee have a protected profession, such as doctor or lawyer? Then you must prove this appeal

            may be practiced in the Netherlands.

✓        The employer has not received a fine for violation of Article 2 in the 5 years before the application

           the Aliens Employment Act (Wav). Or a fine because there is no or insufficient wage tax or premiums

           employee or national insurance have been paid.

        The employee is not a danger to public order, national security or international security

            relations of one of the Schengen countries.

Conditions for Schengen visa application


✓        You have a valid travel document, for example a passport. The travel document must be submitted after the end of the

            visa period is still valid for 3 months. It may also not be older than 10 years.

✓        You have at least €55 per person per day for the duration of your stay in the Netherlands; or someone

            in the Netherlands guarantees you.This could be the inviting referent but also a random third party

            person. The guarantor hassufficient and sustainable income. The referent uses the formEvidence

            of guarantee and/or private accommodation along with the additional documents listed below


         You have a (medical) travel insurance taken out in your name. You take out the insurance in your country

            of origin (or another country). The person you invite may also take out the insurance for you

            The Netherlands. The insurance has coverage of at least €30,000 for medical costs in the 

            Schengen area and covers at least the following costs:


    • Costs for return to country of origin for medical reasons.

    • Urgent medical care.

    • Emergency treatment in hospital.

✓         You have sufficient reasons to return to your country of origin or residence. For example because you

           works there, has (school-age) children or owns their own home. A return ticket alone is not enough.

        You are not a danger to public order, national security or international relations

            one of the Schengen countries.

Cost of procedure

To an EU blue card there are costs involved. The fee for this application is €345.

You pay these costs to the Immigration and Naturalization Service to process the application.


You also pay for the work of Immigration Services the Netherlands. We charge a fixed amount of €699 excluding VAT per request. The costs of an MVV procedure are €499 excluding VAT per application.        We will take care of your application and guide you throughout the entire procedure up to and including your arrival in the Netherlands.

Register for an EU blue card/MVV visa application


Before you place an order, it is wise to first check whether this is possible and whether you meet all the conditions. If you meet all the conditions, you can register via our website. Do you have any questions? Please contact our team of specialists by telephone without obligation.

As soon as we have received your registration via our website, we will confirm the order by e-mail through a written order confirmation. After creating the file and confirming the assignment, we will start working on your case.

You will receive an email from us with what you need to create a file. We store your data in our system. This information will not be provided to third parties and is only intended for the assignment and processing of the necessary forms and documents.

After receiving the required documents for the MVV visa/EU blue card application, we aim to submit the application to the Immigration and Naturalization Service within 10 working days. If you do not yet have all the required documents, it is also possible to submit the application to the IND and forward the latest documents.

The IND's legal decision period is 90 days. The issuance of the MVV visa at the Dutch embassy or consulate takes 5 to 10 working days. You must enter the Netherlands within 3 months after the IND has made a positive decision and the MVV application has been granted. Your residence permit is issued by the IND, you collect your residence permit at an IND counter near you. We will make an appointment for this. By coordinating and facilitating the entire process, you can be assured of a smooth process.


Our general terms and conditions and privacy policy apply to all our services.


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