Do you want to travel to the Netherlands together with a family member with the nationality of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, or to a family member in the Netherlands with one of these nationalities?
Then you can have onefacilitating visa to request.
Immigration Services is happy to support you in obtaining a facilitating visa in the shortest possible time.
We are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are available every day for all your questions
Available from 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM during our telephone consultation hours on telephone number 070 - 800 2111 / 020 - 261 6434.
Please contact us for more information. We are happy to help you!
Traveling to the Netherlands with a facilitating visa
Do you want to come to the Netherlands and are you traveling with or to a family member with the nationality ofEU, EEA or Switzerland? Or are you a family member of a Dutch citizen? Then you can apply for a facilitating visa. With the facilitating visa you travel with or to a family member with the nationality ofEU, EEA or Switzerland.
Depending on your nationality, you enter the Netherlands with or without a facilitating visa.
Facilitating visa
Do you have a visa-required nationality? Then you need a visa to travel to the Netherlands. Family members of Union citizens receive a Schengen visa for 90 days free of charge (visa type C)
if they want to live with their family member in the Netherlands. This is called a facilitating visa.
You apply for the facilitating visa at the Dutch embassy or consulate in the country where you live.
You indicate that you will live in the Netherlands with your family member who has the nationality of an EU, EEA or Switzerland country. You use documents to prove that you are a family member of the Union citizen.
Free term
Do you not have a visa-required nationality? Then you travel to the Netherlands during your free period. You need these documents to enter the Netherlands:
A valid passport or other travel document. A child may be added to the passport of one of the parents.
Document showing that you are a family member of a Union citizen. For example, a marriage certificate or birth certificate.
Decision period for facilitating visa application
You apply for the facilitating visa at the Dutch embassy or consulate in the country where you live.
The Dutch embassy or consulate must be issued as soon as possible via an accelerated procedure, in any case within 15 days. Only in exceptional cases may it take longer.
The applicant may not be required to provide evidence of the purpose of the stay.
The applicant also does not have to demonstrate that he has sufficient means of residence. Also is
the applicant is also not obliged to demonstrate that he will return on time. The latter makes sense, or at least it should. After all, the visa is being applied for to (possibly) stay in an EU member state going to live.
Immigration Services supports you with the complete process from your application to your arrival in the Netherlands. Our team of specialists is always fully informed of the latest laws and regulations, conditions and required documents regarding your stay in the Netherlands. By the complete
By coordinating and facilitating the process, you are assured of a smooth process.
Facilitating visa conditions
✓ You are required to have a visa and you are related to a citizen with the nationality of the EU/EEA or Switzerland.
✓ The family member you are traveling with lives or is traveling to a country other than his/her nationality.
✓ You join your family member or travel to the Netherlands together.
Costs facilitating visa application
There are costs associated with a facilitating visa application. Get a facilitating Schengen visa
no fees are charged, the facilitating visa itself is free and often ready faster than a Schengen visa for non-family members.
You pay for the work of Immigration Services the Netherlands. We charge a fixed amount
by€199,- excluding VATper request. We will take care of your application and guide you throughout the entire procedure up to and including your arrival in the Netherlands.
Aanmelden faciliterend visum aanvraag
Alvorens u een opdracht geeft is het verstandig om eerst te controleren of dit mogelijk is en of u aan alle voorwaarden voldoet. Indien u aan alle voorwaarden voldoet kunt u zich inschrijven via onze website. Heeft u nog vragen? Neemt u dan vrijblijvend telefonisch contact op met ons team van specialisten.
Stap 1 - Aanmelden
U meldt zich aan via onze website door 'nu aanvragen' onderaan deze pagina te selecteren.
Stap 2 - Betaling
Voltooi uw aanmelding door het aanmeldformulier in te vullen. Vervolgens kunt u de visum aanvraag veilig online betalen via een van de betaalmethodes: iDeal (meest gekozen betaalmethode) PayPal of creditcard (Mastercard / Visa).
Stap 3 - Bevestigen
Zodra wij uw aanmelding via onze website hebben ontvangen bevestigen wij de opdracht per e-mail middels een schriftelijke opdrachtbevestiging. Na het aanmaken van het dossier en bevestiging van de opdracht gaan wij aan de slag met uw zaak.
U ontvangt van ons een e-mail met benodigdheden voor het maken van een dossier. Uw gegevens slaan wij op in ons systeem. Deze gegevens worden niet aan derden verstrekt en zijn enkel bedoeld voor de opdracht en de verwerking van de benodigde formulieren en documenten.
Na ontvangst van de benodigde documenten ten behoeve van de aanvraag van een faciliterend visum ontvangt u binnen 5 werkdagen de gehele aanvraag van ons. Vervolgens kan de aanvraag worden ingediend bij de Nederlandse ambassade of het Nederlandse consulaat in het land waar u woonachtig bent. Aanvragen bij een ambassade van een ander land waar Nederland door vertegenwoordigd wordt kan ook. De wettelijke beslistermijn van de ambassade is 5 tot 10 werkdagen.
(!) U dient ten alle tijden de aanvraag van een faciliterend visum persoonlijk aan te vragen bij de Nederlandse ambassade of consulaat in het land van herkomst. Tijdens de afspraak legitimeert u zich en levert u uw paspoort in bij de Nederlandse ambassade of het consulaat. De afspraak voor een faciliterend visum aanvraag wordt door ons verzorgd.
Op al onze diensten zijn onze algemene voorwaarden en ons privacybeleid van toepassing.