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Do you have a foreign partner with whom you want to live in the Netherlands and would you like to apply for a ​MVV visa using the TEV procedure?


Then you must already have basic knowledge of the Dutch language and society before your arrival in the Netherlands. The basic integration exam abroad tests this knowledge.

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We are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are available every day for all your questionsAvailable from 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM during our telephone consultation hours on telephone number 070 - 800 21111. Contact us for more information. We are happy to help you!

You take the exam at the Dutch embassy or consulate in ​the country of origin.


If you pass, you may be eligible for a provisional residence permit (MVV). This is a special visa that you need to enter the Netherlands on the basis of partner reunification.

Through our online integration course we ensure that you are fully prepared for the basic integration exam abroad within ​3 weeks and that you pass the exam in one go. ​We guarantee a successful integration as a result and offer an exam guarantee. If desired, we can arrange the MVV visa application for you through the TEV procedure after you have passed the basic foreign exam.

Information course


Our exam-oriented course in preparation for the basic integration exam abroad (A1):

​•          lasts 3 weeks and consists of weekly ​2 hours of intensive lessons
​•          consists of a total of 6 hours of private lessons and is given via Skype
​•          ​is ​entirely online and exclusively focused on the exam
•          is given in English, English teaching materials are also available
​​•          consists of private lessons where and when it suits you, including in the evenings
•          taught live by a teacher via Skype
​•          includes teaching materials/weekly homework per exam component
​•          will be concluded with an exam training
​•          offers a pass rate of​ 95%  with an exam guarantee*

During the course we focus on the 3 exam parts of the basic integration exam abroad: ​reading skills, speaking skills and knowledge of Dutch society (KNM).​ After the integration course you are you are fully prepared for the exam. *when the candidate has mastered language level A1. You will also receive the exam questions for the basic integration exam abroad from us.

If you unexpectedly do not pass the exam in one sitting, we offer an exam guarantee* and you will receive another lesson for the relevant exam part for which you did not pass in one sitting, free of charge. The result of the basic integration exam abroad is valid for 1 year.

Course costs


The costs of our exam-oriented course in preparation for the basic integration exam abroad are: €250 per person excluding VAT (€52.50) and excluding the DUO exam costs (€150). You pay the DUO exam costs to DUO yourself.

If desired, we can register you with DUO for the exam and schedule the exam for you at the Dutch embassy/consulate in the country of origin. We do not charge any costs for this.



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To register


As soon as we have received your registration, we will confirm the course by e-mail with a 'confirmation of registration' and an invoice. We will then contact you within 48 hours to discuss your registration, schedule the lessons and answer any questions.

On all our services our Terms and Conditions and us privacy policy applicable.


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